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Empirical Approaches vs. Simulation-Based Approaches

There are many questions in chemistry that cannot be answered by simulation, or for which simulation is poorly effective. For instance, imagine trying to predict the effect of ligand structure on palladium ligation state: which ligands will lead to Lā€¢M complexes, and which ligands will lead to L2ā€¢M complexes? Using simulation, one could model all conformers of the two states, apply corrections for free energy and for solvent effects, compute āˆ†G, and compare it to the experimental value. But solvation free energies are poorly predicted by DFT, and predicting the resting state of a complex with many low-energy aggregation states remains too challenging to accurately simulate routinely.

Instead, one could imagine a different approach: rather than simulating the entire system, one can generate descriptors for each compound in question and see if statistical approaches or machine learning can find a relationship between these descriptors and the output variable. This approach has, in fact, been applied to the specific task of predicting ligation state and found to work quite well!

There are real disadvantages to this cheminformatics-based method: it requires a training set of labeled examples with which to find a relationship, making it challenging in cases where very little data is present. On the other hand, in principle any chemical relationship can be learned this way! Unlike conventional simulation, where a new computational workflow must be built and benchmarked for each property, descriptor-based methods can be used even when no workflow exists, and for problems too complex to simulate (e.g. in vivo toxicity).

Choosing Descriptors

The above discussion purposely avoids specifying the nature of the descriptors. In reality, there are a number of competing descriptor schemes out there:

Rowan's descriptor workflow automatically calculates over 1800 cheminformatic descriptors using mordred-community and supplements these with quantum mechanics-based descriptors from xTB. (xTB-based charges are similar in quality to DFT-based charges, but are several orders of magnitude faster to compute, making them appealing for high-throughput workflows.)

For a full list of all descriptors in Rowan, see the bottom of this page.

Visualizing Descriptors in Rowan

Using Rowan's descriptor workflow, it's simple to compute hundreds of descriptors for a set of molecules: just paste in the SMILES strings and select the descriptor workflow. The output data can be viewed as a table, searched by descriptor, or downloaded as a .csv file for further processing.

PCA output plot

A PCA analysis performed on 103 descriptors calculations (view in Rowan)

If multiple descriptor calculations are selected, all descriptors can be viewed for each compound in a spreadsheet-like view. Principal component analysis (PCA) can be performed with the click of a button, making it simple to visually observe which compounds are similar and which are different. This self-supervised approach is often used to visualize chemical space. Both the bulk descriptor results and the PCA coordinates can also be downloaded as .csv files for further processing.

Descriptor Index

Here's a full list of all the descriptors computed in Rowan (many of these descriptions are originally from Mordred's documentation):

ABC2DABCIndexAtom-bond connectivity index
ABCGG2DABCIndexGraovac-Ghorbani atom-bond connectivity index
nAcid2DAcidBaseAcidic group count
nBase2DAcidBaseBasic group count
SpAbs_A2DAdjacencyMatrixSpAbs of adjacency matrix
SpMax_A2DAdjacencyMatrixSpMax of adjacency matrix
SpDiam_A2DAdjacencyMatrixSpDiam of adjacency matrix
SpAD_A2DAdjacencyMatrixSpAD of adjacency matrix
SpMAD_A2DAdjacencyMatrixSpMAD of adjacency matrix
LogEE_A2DAdjacencyMatrixLogEE of adjacency matrix
VE1_A2DAdjacencyMatrixVE1 of adjacency matrix
VE2_A2DAdjacencyMatrixVE2 of adjacency matrix
VE3_A2DAdjacencyMatrixVE3 of adjacency matrix
VR1_A2DAdjacencyMatrixVR1 of adjacency matrix
VR2_A2DAdjacencyMatrixVR2 of adjacency matrix
VR3_A2DAdjacencyMatrixVR3 of adjacency matrix
nAromAtom2DAromaticAromatic atoms count
nAromBond2DAromaticAromatic bonds count
nAtom2DAtomCountNumber of all atoms
nHeavyAtom2DAtomCountNumber of heavy atoms
nSpiro2DAtomCountNumber of spiro atoms
nBridgehead2DAtomCountNumber of bridgehead atoms
nHetero2DAtomCountNumber of hetero atoms
nH2DAtomCountNumber of H atoms
nB2DAtomCountNumber of B atoms
nC2DAtomCountNumber of C atoms
nN2DAtomCountNumber of N atoms
nO2DAtomCountNumber of O atoms
nS2DAtomCountNumber of S atoms
nP2DAtomCountNumber of P atoms
nF2DAtomCountNumber of F atoms
nCl2DAtomCountNumber of Cl atoms
nBr2DAtomCountNumber of Br atoms
nI2DAtomCountNumber of I atoms
nX2DAtomCountNumber of halogen atoms
ATS0dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by valence electrons
ATS1dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by valence electrons
ATS2dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by valence electrons
ATS3dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by valence electrons
ATS4dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by valence electrons
ATS5dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by valence electrons
ATS6dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by valence electrons
ATS7dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by valence electrons
ATS8dv2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by valence electrons
ATS0d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS1d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS2d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS3d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS4d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS5d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS6d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS7d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS8d2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by sigma electrons
ATS0s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS1s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS2s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS3s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS4s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS5s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS6s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS7s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS8s2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by intrinsic state
ATS0Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by atomic number
ATS1Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by atomic number
ATS2Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by atomic number
ATS3Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by atomic number
ATS4Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by atomic number
ATS5Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by atomic number
ATS6Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by atomic number
ATS7Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by atomic number
ATS8Z2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by atomic number
ATS0m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by mass
ATS1m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
ATS2m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
ATS3m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
ATS4m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
ATS5m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
ATS6m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
ATS7m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
ATS8m2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
ATS0v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS1v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS2v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS3v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS4v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS5v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS6v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS7v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS8v2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATS0se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS1se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS2se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS3se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS4se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS5se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS6se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS7se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS8se2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATS0pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS1pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS2pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS3pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS4pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS5pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS6pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS7pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS8pe2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATS0are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS1are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS2are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS3are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS4are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS5are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS6are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS7are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS8are2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATS0p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by polarizability
ATS1p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
ATS2p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
ATS3p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
ATS4p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
ATS5p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
ATS6p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
ATS7p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
ATS8p2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
ATS0i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by ionization potential
ATS1i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
ATS2i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
ATS3i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
ATS4i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
ATS5i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
ATS6i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
ATS7i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
ATS8i2DAutocorrelationMoreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
AATS0dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by valence electrons
AATS1dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by valence electrons
AATS2dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by valence electrons
AATS3dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by valence electrons
AATS4dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by valence electrons
AATS5dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by valence electrons
AATS6dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by valence electrons
AATS7dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by valence electrons
AATS8dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by valence electrons
AATS0d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS1d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS2d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS3d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS4d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS5d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS6d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS7d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS8d2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by sigma electrons
AATS0s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS1s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS2s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS3s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS4s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS5s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS6s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS7s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS8s2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by intrinsic state
AATS0Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by atomic number
AATS1Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by atomic number
AATS2Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by atomic number
AATS3Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by atomic number
AATS4Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by atomic number
AATS5Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by atomic number
AATS6Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by atomic number
AATS7Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by atomic number
AATS8Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by atomic number
AATS0m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by mass
AATS1m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
AATS2m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
AATS3m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
AATS4m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
AATS5m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
AATS6m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
AATS7m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
AATS8m2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
AATS0v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS1v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS2v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS3v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS4v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS5v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS6v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS7v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS8v2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATS0se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS1se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS2se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS3se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS4se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS5se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS6se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS7se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS8se2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATS0pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS1pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS2pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS3pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS4pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS5pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS6pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS7pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS8pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATS0are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS1are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS2are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS3are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS4are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS5are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS6are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS7are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS8are2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATS0p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by polarizability
AATS1p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
AATS2p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
AATS3p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
AATS4p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
AATS5p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
AATS6p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
AATS7p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
AATS8p2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
AATS0i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by ionization potential
AATS1i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
AATS2i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
AATS3i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
AATS4i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
AATS5i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
AATS6i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
AATS7i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
AATS8i2DAutocorrelationAveraged Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC0c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC1c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC2c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC3c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC4c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC5c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC6c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC7c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC8c2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Gasteiger charge
ATSC0dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC1dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC2dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC3dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC4dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC5dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC6dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC7dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC8dv2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by valence electrons
ATSC0d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC1d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC2d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC3d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC4d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC5d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC6d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC7d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC8d2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by sigma electrons
ATSC0s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC1s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC2s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC3s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC4s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC5s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC6s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC7s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC8s2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by intrinsic state
ATSC0Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by atomic number
ATSC1Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by atomic number
ATSC2Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by atomic number
ATSC3Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by atomic number
ATSC4Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by atomic number
ATSC5Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by atomic number
ATSC6Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by atomic number
ATSC7Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by atomic number
ATSC8Z2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by atomic number
ATSC0m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by mass
ATSC1m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
ATSC2m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
ATSC3m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
ATSC4m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
ATSC5m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
ATSC6m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
ATSC7m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
ATSC8m2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
ATSC0v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC1v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC2v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC3v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC4v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC5v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC6v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC7v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC8v2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
ATSC0se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC1se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC2se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC3se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC4se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC5se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC6se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC7se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC8se2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
ATSC0pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC1pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC2pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC3pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC4pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC5pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC6pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC7pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC8pe2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
ATSC0are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC1are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC2are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC3are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC4are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC5are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC6are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC7are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC8are2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
ATSC0p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by polarizability
ATSC1p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
ATSC2p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
ATSC3p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
ATSC4p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
ATSC5p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
ATSC6p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
ATSC7p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
ATSC8p2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
ATSC0i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC1i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC2i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC3i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC4i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC5i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC6i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC7i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
ATSC8i2DAutocorrelationCentered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC0c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC1c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC2c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC3c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC4c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC5c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC6c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC7c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC8c2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Gasteiger charge
AATSC0dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC1dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC2dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC3dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC4dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC5dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC6dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC7dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC8dv2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by valence electrons
AATSC0d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC1d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC2d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC3d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC4d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC5d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC6d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC7d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC8d2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by sigma electrons
AATSC0s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC1s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC2s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC3s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC4s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC5s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC6s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC7s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC8s2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by intrinsic state
AATSC0Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by atomic number
AATSC1Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by atomic number
AATSC2Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by atomic number
AATSC3Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by atomic number
AATSC4Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by atomic number
AATSC5Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by atomic number
AATSC6Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by atomic number
AATSC7Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by atomic number
AATSC8Z2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by atomic number
AATSC0m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by mass
AATSC1m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
AATSC2m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
AATSC3m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
AATSC4m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
AATSC5m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
AATSC6m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
AATSC7m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
AATSC8m2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
AATSC0v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC1v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC2v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC3v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC4v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC5v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC6v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC7v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC8v2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
AATSC0se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC1se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC2se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC3se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC4se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC5se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC6se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC7se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC8se2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
AATSC0pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC1pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC2pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC3pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC4pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC5pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC6pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC7pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC8pe2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
AATSC0are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC1are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC2are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC3are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC4are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC5are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC6are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC7are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC8are2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
AATSC0p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by polarizability
AATSC1p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
AATSC2p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
AATSC3p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
AATSC4p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
AATSC5p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
AATSC6p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
AATSC7p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
AATSC8p2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
AATSC0i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC1i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC2i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC3i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC4i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC5i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC6i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC7i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
AATSC8i2DAutocorrelationAveraged and centered Moreau-Broto autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
MATS1c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS2c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS3c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS4c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS5c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS6c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS7c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS8c2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Gasteiger charge
MATS1dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by valence electrons
MATS2dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by valence electrons
MATS3dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by valence electrons
MATS4dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by valence electrons
MATS5dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by valence electrons
MATS6dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by valence electrons
MATS7dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by valence electrons
MATS8dv2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by valence electrons
MATS1d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS2d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS3d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS4d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS5d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS6d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS7d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS8d2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by sigma electrons
MATS1s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS2s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS3s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS4s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS5s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS6s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS7s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS8s2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by intrinsic state
MATS1Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by atomic number
MATS2Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by atomic number
MATS3Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by atomic number
MATS4Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by atomic number
MATS5Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by atomic number
MATS6Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by atomic number
MATS7Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by atomic number
MATS8Z2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by atomic number
MATS1m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by mass
MATS2m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by mass
MATS3m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by mass
MATS4m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by mass
MATS5m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by mass
MATS6m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by mass
MATS7m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by mass
MATS8m2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by mass
MATS1v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS2v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS3v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS4v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS5v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS6v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS7v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS8v2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
MATS1se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS2se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS3se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS4se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS5se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS6se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS7se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS8se2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
MATS1pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS2pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS3pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS4pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS5pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS6pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS7pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS8pe2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
MATS1are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS2are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS3are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS4are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS5are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS6are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS7are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS8are2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
MATS1p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
MATS2p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
MATS3p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
MATS4p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
MATS5p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
MATS6p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
MATS7p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
MATS8p2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
MATS1i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
MATS2i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
MATS3i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
MATS4i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
MATS5i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
MATS6i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
MATS7i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
MATS8i2DAutocorrelationMoran coefficient of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
GATS1c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS2c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS3c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS4c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS5c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS6c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS7c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS8c2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Gasteiger charge
GATS1dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by valence electrons
GATS2dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by valence electrons
GATS3dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by valence electrons
GATS4dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by valence electrons
GATS5dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by valence electrons
GATS6dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by valence electrons
GATS7dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by valence electrons
GATS8dv2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by valence electrons
GATS1d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS2d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS3d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS4d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS5d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS6d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS7d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS8d2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by sigma electrons
GATS1s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS2s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS3s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS4s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS5s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS6s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS7s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS8s2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by intrinsic state
GATS1Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by atomic number
GATS2Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by atomic number
GATS3Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by atomic number
GATS4Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by atomic number
GATS5Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by atomic number
GATS6Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by atomic number
GATS7Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by atomic number
GATS8Z2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by atomic number
GATS1m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by mass
GATS2m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by mass
GATS3m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by mass
GATS4m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by mass
GATS5m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by mass
GATS6m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by mass
GATS7m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by mass
GATS8m2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by mass
GATS1v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS2v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS3v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS4v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS5v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS6v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS7v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS8v2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
GATS1se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS2se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS3se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS4se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS5se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS6se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS7se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS8se2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
GATS1pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS2pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS3pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS4pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS5pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS6pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS7pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS8pe2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Pauling electronegativity
GATS1are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS2are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS3are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS4are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS5are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS6are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS7are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS8are2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
GATS1p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
GATS2p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
GATS3p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
GATS4p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
GATS5p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
GATS6p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
GATS7p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
GATS8p2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
GATS1i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
GATS2i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
GATS3i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
GATS4i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
GATS5i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
GATS6i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
GATS7i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
GATS8i2DAutocorrelationGeary coefficient of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
BCUTc-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Gasteiger charge
BCUTc-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Gasteiger charge
BCUTdv-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by valence electrons
BCUTdv-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by valence electrons
BCUTd-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by sigma electrons
BCUTd-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by sigma electrons
BCUTs-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by intrinsic state
BCUTs-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by intrinsic state
BCUTZ-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by atomic number
BCUTZ-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by atomic number
BCUTm-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by mass
BCUTm-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by mass
BCUTv-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
BCUTv-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
BCUTse-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
BCUTse-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
BCUTpe-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
BCUTpe-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
BCUTare-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
BCUTare-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
BCUTp-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
BCUTp-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
BCUTi-1h2DBCUTFirst highest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
BCUTi-1l2DBCUTFirst lowest eigenvalue of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
BalabanJ2DBalabanJBalabanā€™s J index
SpAbs_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
SpMax_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
SpDiam_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
SpAD_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
SpMAD_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
LogEE_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
SM1_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
VE1_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
VE2_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
VE3_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
VR1_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
VR2_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
VR3_DzZ2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
SpAbs_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
SpMax_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
SpDiam_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
SpAD_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
SpMAD_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
LogEE_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
SM1_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
VE1_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
VE2_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
VE3_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
VR1_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
VR2_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
VR3_Dzm2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
SpAbs_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
SpMax_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
SpDiam_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
SpAD_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
SpMAD_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
LogEE_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
SM1_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
VE1_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
VE2_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
VE3_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
VR1_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
VR2_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
VR3_Dzv2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
SpAbs_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
SpMax_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
SpDiam_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
SpAD_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
SpMAD_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
LogEE_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
SM1_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
VE1_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
VE2_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
VE3_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
VR1_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
VR2_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
VR3_Dzse2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
SpAbs_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
SpMax_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
SpDiam_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
SpAD_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
SpMAD_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
LogEE_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
SM1_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
VE1_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
VE2_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
VE3_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
VR1_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
VR2_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
VR3_Dzpe2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Pauling electronegativity
SpAbs_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
SpMax_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
SpDiam_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
SpAD_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
SpMAD_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
LogEE_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
SM1_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
VE1_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
VE2_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
VE3_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
VR1_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
VR2_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
VR3_Dzare2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
SpAbs_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
SpMax_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
SpDiam_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
SpAD_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
SpMAD_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
LogEE_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
SM1_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
VE1_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
VE2_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
VE3_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
VR1_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
VR2_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
VR3_Dzp2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
SpAbs_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixGraph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
SpMax_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixLeading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
SpDiam_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixSpectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
SpAD_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
SpMAD_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
LogEE_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixEstrada-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
SM1_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixSpectral moment from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
VE1_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
VE2_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
VE3_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
VR1_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
VR2_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
VR3_Dzi2DBaryszMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
BertzCT2DBertzCTBertz complexity
nBonds2DBondCountNumber of all bonds in non-kekulized structure
nBondsO2DBondCountNumber of bonds connecting to heavy atom in non-kekulized structure
nBondsS2DBondCountNumber of single bonds in non-kekulized structure
nBondsD2DBondCountNumber of double bonds in non-kekulized structure
nBondsT2DBondCountNumber of triple bonds in non-kekulized structure
nBondsA2DBondCountNumber of aromatic bonds in non-kekulized structure
nBondsM2DBondCountNumber of multiple bonds in non-kekulized structure
nBondsKS2DBondCountNumber of single bonds in kekulized structure
nBondsKD2DBondCountNumber of double bonds in kekulized structure
PNSA13DCPSAPartial negative surface area (version 1)
PNSA23DCPSAPartial negative surface area (version 2)
PNSA33DCPSAPartial negative surface area (version 3)
PNSA43DCPSAPartial negative surface area (version 4)
PNSA53DCPSAPartial negative surface area (version 5)
PPSA13DCPSAPartial positive surface area (version 1)
PPSA23DCPSAPartial positive surface area (version 2)
PPSA33DCPSAPartial positive surface area (version 3)
PPSA43DCPSAPartial positive surface area (version 4)
PPSA53DCPSAPartial positive surface area (version 5)
DPSA13DCPSADifference in charged partial surface area (version 1)
DPSA23DCPSADifference in charged partial surface area (version 2)
DPSA33DCPSADifference in charged partial surface area (version 3)
DPSA43DCPSADifference in charged partial surface area (version 4)
DPSA53DCPSADifference in charged partial surface area (version 5)
FNSA13DCPSAFractional charged partial negative surface area (version 1)
FNSA23DCPSAFractional charged partial negative surface area (version 2)
FNSA33DCPSAFractional charged partial negative surface area (version 3)
FNSA43DCPSAFractional charged partial negative surface area (version 4)
FNSA53DCPSAFractional charged partial negative surface area (version 5)
FPSA13DCPSAFractional charged partial positive surface area (version 1)
FPSA23DCPSAFractional charged partial positive surface area (version 2)
FPSA33DCPSAFractional charged partial positive surface area (version 3)
FPSA43DCPSAFractional charged partial positive surface area (version 4)
FPSA53DCPSAFractional charged partial positive surface area (version 5)
WNSA13DCPSASurface weighted charged partial negative surface area (version 1)
WNSA23DCPSASurface weighted charged partial negative surface area (version 2)
WNSA33DCPSASurface weighted charged partial negative surface area (version 3)
WNSA43DCPSASurface weighted charged partial negative surface area (version 4)
WNSA53DCPSASurface weighted charged partial negative surface area (version 5)
WPSA13DCPSASurface weighted charged partial positive surface area (version 1)
WPSA23DCPSASurface weighted charged partial positive surface area (version 2)
WPSA33DCPSASurface weighted charged partial positive surface area (version 3)
WPSA43DCPSASurface weighted charged partial positive surface area (version 4)
WPSA53DCPSASurface weighted charged partial positive surface area (version 5)
RNCG2DCPSARelative negative charge
RPCG2DCPSARelative positive charge
RNCS3DCPSARelative negative charge surface area
RPCS3DCPSARelative positive charge surface area
TASA3DCPSATotal hydrophobic surface area
TPSA3DCPSATotal polar surface area
RASA3DCPSARelative hydrophobic surface area
RPSA3DCPSARelative polar surface area
C1SP12DCarbonTypesSP carbon bound to 1 other carbon
C2SP12DCarbonTypesSP carbon bound to 2 other carbons
C1SP22DCarbonTypesSP2 carbon bound to 1 other carbon
C2SP22DCarbonTypesSP2 carbon bound to 2 other carbons
C3SP22DCarbonTypesSP2 carbon bound to 3 other carbons
C1SP32DCarbonTypesSP3 carbon bound to 1 other carbon
C2SP32DCarbonTypesSP3 carbon bound to 2 other carbons
C3SP32DCarbonTypesSP3 carbon bound to 3 other carbons
C4SP32DCarbonTypesSP3 carbon bound to 4 other carbons
HybRatio2DCarbonTypeshybridization ratio
FCSP32DCarbonTypesThe fraction of C atoms that are SP3 hybridized
Xch-3d2DChi3-ordered Chi chain weighted by sigma electrons
Xch-4d2DChi4-ordered Chi chain weighted by sigma electrons
Xch-5d2DChi5-ordered Chi chain weighted by sigma electrons
Xch-6d2DChi6-ordered Chi chain weighted by sigma electrons
Xch-7d2DChi7-ordered Chi chain weighted by sigma electrons
Xch-3dv2DChi3-ordered Chi chain weighted by valence electrons
Xch-4dv2DChi4-ordered Chi chain weighted by valence electrons
Xch-5dv2DChi5-ordered Chi chain weighted by valence electrons
Xch-6dv2DChi6-ordered Chi chain weighted by valence electrons
Xch-7dv2DChi7-ordered Chi chain weighted by valence electrons
Xc-3d2DChi3-ordered Chi cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xc-4d2DChi4-ordered Chi cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xc-5d2DChi5-ordered Chi cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xc-6d2DChi6-ordered Chi cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xc-3dv2DChi3-ordered Chi cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xc-4dv2DChi4-ordered Chi cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xc-5dv2DChi5-ordered Chi cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xc-6dv2DChi6-ordered Chi cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xpc-4d2DChi4-ordered Chi path-cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xpc-5d2DChi5-ordered Chi path-cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xpc-6d2DChi6-ordered Chi path-cluster weighted by sigma electrons
Xpc-4dv2DChi4-ordered Chi path-cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xpc-5dv2DChi5-ordered Chi path-cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xpc-6dv2DChi6-ordered Chi path-cluster weighted by valence electrons
Xp-0d2DChi0-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-1d2DChi1-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-2d2DChi2-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-3d2DChi3-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-4d2DChi4-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-5d2DChi5-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-6d2DChi6-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-7d2DChi7-ordered Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-0d2DChi0-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-1d2DChi1-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-2d2DChi2-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-3d2DChi3-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-4d2DChi4-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-5d2DChi5-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-6d2DChi6-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
AXp-7d2DChi7-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by sigma electrons
Xp-0dv2DChi0-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-1dv2DChi1-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-2dv2DChi2-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-3dv2DChi3-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-4dv2DChi4-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-5dv2DChi5-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-6dv2DChi6-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
Xp-7dv2DChi7-ordered Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-0dv2DChi0-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-1dv2DChi1-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-2dv2DChi2-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-3dv2DChi3-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-4dv2DChi4-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-5dv2DChi5-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-6dv2DChi6-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
AXp-7dv2DChi7-ordered averaged Chi path weighted by valence electrons
SZ2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by atomic number
Sm2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by mass
Sv2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by van der Waals volume
Sse2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
Spe2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by Pauling electronegativity
Sare2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
Sp2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by polarizability
Si2DConstitutionalSum of constitutional weighted by ionization potential
MZ2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by atomic number
Mm2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by mass
Mv2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by van der Waals volume
Mse2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
Mpe2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by Pauling electronegativity
Mare2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by Allred-Rochow EN
Mp2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by polarizability
Mi2DConstitutionalMean of constitutional weighted by ionization potential
SpAbs_Dt2DDetourMatrixGraph energy from detourn matrix
SpMax_Dt2DDetourMatrixLeading eigenvalue from detourn matrix
SpDiam_Dt2DDetourMatrixSpectral diameter from detourn matrix
SpAD_Dt2DDetourMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from detourn matrix
SpMAD_Dt2DDetourMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from detourn matrix
LogEE_Dt2DDetourMatrixEstrada-like index from detourn matrix
SM1_Dt2DDetourMatrixSpectral moment from detourn matrix
VE1_Dt2DDetourMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detourn matrix
VE2_Dt2DDetourMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from detourn matrix
VE3_Dt2DDetourMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detourn matrix
VR1_Dt2DDetourMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from detourn matrix
VR2_Dt2DDetourMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detourn matrix
VR3_Dt2DDetourMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detourn matrix
DetourIndex2DDetourMatrixDetour index
SpAbs_D2DDistanceMatrixGraph energy from distance matrix
SpMax_D2DDistanceMatrixLeading eigenvalue from distance matrix
SpDiam_D2DDistanceMatrixSpectral diameter from distance matrix
SpAD_D2DDistanceMatrixSpectral absolute deviation from distance matrix
SpMAD_D2DDistanceMatrixSpectral mean absolute deviation from distance matrix
LogEE_D2DDistanceMatrixEstrada-like index from distance matrix
VE1_D2DDistanceMatrixCoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance matrix
VE2_D2DDistanceMatrixAverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from distance matrix
VE3_D2DDistanceMatrixLogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance matrix
VR1_D2DDistanceMatrixRandic-like eigenvector-based index from distance matrix
VR2_D2DDistanceMatrixNormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance matrix
VR3_D2DDistanceMatrixLogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance matrix
NsLi2DEStateNumber of Li atoms bonded via a single bond
NssBe2DEStateNumber of Be atoms bonded via two single bonds
NssssBe2DEStateNumber of Be atoms bonded via four single bonds
NssBH2DEStateNumber of BH groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssB2DEStateNumber of B atoms bonded via three single bonds
NssssB2DEStateNumber of B atoms bonded via four single bonds
NsCH32DEStateNumber of CH3 groups bonded via a single bond
NdCH22DEStateNumber of CH2 groups bonded via a double bond
NssCH22DEStateNumber of CH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
NtCH2DEStateNumber of CH groups bonded via a triple bond
NdsCH2DEStateNumber of CH groups bonded via a double bond and a single bond
NaaCH2DEStateNumber of CH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
NsssCH2DEStateNumber of CH groups bonded via three single bonds
NddC2DEStateNumber of C atoms bonded via two double bonds
NtsC2DEStateNumber of C atoms bonded via a triple bond and a single bond
NdssC2DEStateNumber of C atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
NaasC2DEStateNumber of C atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and a single bond
NaaaC2DEStateNumber of C atoms bonded via three aromatic bonds
NssssC2DEStateNumber of C atoms bonded via four single bonds
NsNH32DEStateNumber of NH3 groups bonded via a single bond
NsNH22DEStateNumber of NH2 groups bonded via a single bond
NssNH22DEStateNumber of NH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
NdNH2DEStateNumber of NH groups bonded via a double bond
NssNH2DEStateNumber of NH groups bonded via two single bonds
NaaNH2DEStateNumber of NH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
NtN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via a triple bond
NsssNH2DEStateNumber of NH groups bonded via three single bonds
NdsN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via a double and a single bond
NaaN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
NsssN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via three single bonds
NddsN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via two double bonds and one single bond
NaasN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and one single bond
NssssN2DEStateNumber of N atoms bonded via four single bonds
NsOH2DEStateNumber of OH groups bonded via a single bond
NdO2DEStateNumber of O atoms bonded via a double bond
NssO2DEStateNumber of O atoms bonded via two single bonds
NaaO2DEStateNumber of O atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
NsF2DEStateNumber of F atoms bonded via a single bond
NsSiH32DEStateNumber of SiH3 groups bonded via a single bond
NssSiH22DEStateNumber of SiH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssSiH2DEStateNumber of SiH groups bonded via three single bonds
NssssSi2DEStateNumber of Si atoms bonded via four single bonds
NsPH22DEStateNumber of PH2 groups bonded via a single bond
NssPH2DEStateNumber of PH groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssP2DEStateNumber of P atoms bonded via three single bonds
NdsssP2DEStateNumber of P atoms bonded via a double bond and three single bonds
NsssssP2DEStateNumber of P atoms bonded via five single bonds
NsSH2DEStateNumber of SH groups bonded via a single bond
NdS2DEStateNumber of S atoms bonded via a double bond
NssS2DEStateNumber of S atoms bonded via two single bonds
NaaS2DEStateNumber of S atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
NdssS2DEStateNumber of S atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
NddssS2DEStateNumber of S atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
NsCl2DEStateNumber of Cl atoms bonded via a single bond
NsGeH32DEStateNumber of GeH3 groups bonded via a single bond
NssGeH22DEStateNumber of GeH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssGeH2DEStateNumber of GeH groups bonded via three single bonds
NssssGe2DEStateNumber of Ge atoms bonded via four single bonds
NsAsH22DEStateNumber of AsH2 groups bonded via a single bond
NssAsH2DEStateNumber of AsH groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssAs2DEStateNumber of As atoms bonded via three single bonds
NsssdAs2DEStateNumber of As atoms bonded via three single bonds and one double bond
NsssssAs2DEStateNumber of As atoms bonded via five single bonds
NsSeH2DEStateNumber of SeH groups bonded via a single bond
NdSe2DEStateNumber of Se atoms bonded via a double bond
NssSe2DEStateNumber of Se atoms bonded via two single bonds
NaaSe2DEStateNumber of Se atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
NdssSe2DEStateNumber of Se atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
NddssSe2DEStateNumber of Se atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
NsBr2DEStateNumber of Br atoms bonded via a single bond
NsSnH32DEStateNumber of SnH3 groups bonded via a single bond
NssSnH22DEStateNumber of SnH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssSnH2DEStateNumber of SnH groups bonded via three single bonds
NssssSn2DEStateNumber of Sn atoms bonded via four single bonds
NsI2DEStateNumber of I atoms bonded via a single bond
NsPbH32DEStateNumber of PbH3 groups bonded via a single bond
NssPbH22DEStateNumber of PbH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
NsssPbH2DEStateNumber of PbH groups bonded via three single bonds
NssssPb2DEStateNumber of Pb atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsLi2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Li atoms bonded via a single bond
SssBe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Be atoms bonded via two single bonds
SssssBe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Be atoms bonded via four single bonds
SssBH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of BH groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssB2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of B atoms bonded via three single bonds
SssssB2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of B atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsCH32DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH3 groups bonded via a single bond
SdCH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH2 groups bonded via a double bond
SssCH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
StCH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via a triple bond
SdsCH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via a double bond and a single bond
SaaCH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
SsssCH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via three single bonds
SddC2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via two double bonds
StsC2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via a triple bond and a single bond
SdssC2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
SaasC2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and a single bond
SaaaC2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via three aromatic bonds
SssssC2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsNH32DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH3 groups bonded via a single bond
SsNH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH2 groups bonded via a single bond
SssNH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
SdNH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via a double bond
SssNH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via two single bonds
SaaNH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
StN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via a triple bond
SsssNH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via three single bonds
SdsN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via a double and a single bond
SaaN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
SsssN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via three single bonds
SddsN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two double bonds and one single bond
SaasN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and one single bond
SssssN2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsOH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of OH groups bonded via a single bond
SdO2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via a double bond
SssO2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via two single bonds
SaaO2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
SsF2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of F atoms bonded via a single bond
SsSiH32DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SiH3 groups bonded via a single bond
SssSiH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SiH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssSiH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SiH groups bonded via three single bonds
SssssSi2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Si atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsPH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of PH2 groups bonded via a single bond
SssPH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of PH groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssP2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via three single bonds
SdsssP2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via a double bond and three single bonds
SsssssP2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via five single bonds
SsSH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SH groups bonded via a single bond
SdS2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via a double bond
SssS2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two single bonds
SaaS2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
SdssS2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
SddssS2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
SsCl2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Cl atoms bonded via a single bond
SsGeH32DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of GeH3 groups bonded via a single bond
SssGeH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of GeH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssGeH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of GeH groups bonded via three single bonds
SssssGe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Ge atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsAsH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of AsH2 groups bonded via a single bond
SssAsH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of AsH groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssAs2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via three single bonds
SsssdAs2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via three single bonds and one double bond
SsssssAs2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via five single bonds
SsSeH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SeH groups bonded via a single bond
SdSe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via a double bond
SssSe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two single bonds
SaaSe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
SdssSe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
SddssSe2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
SsBr2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Br atoms bonded via a single bond
SsSnH32DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SnH3 groups bonded via a single bond
SssSnH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SnH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssSnH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of SnH groups bonded via three single bonds
SssssSn2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Sn atoms bonded via four single bonds
SsI2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of I atoms bonded via a single bond
SsPbH32DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of PbH3 groups bonded via a single bond
SssPbH22DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of PbH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
SsssPbH2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of PbH groups bonded via three single bonds
SssssPb2DEStateSum of the electrotopological state indices of Pb atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsLi2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Li atoms bonded via a single bond
MAXssBe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Be atoms bonded via two single bonds
MAXssssBe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Be atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXssBH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of BH groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssB2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of B atoms bonded via three single bonds
MAXssssB2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of B atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsCH32DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXdCH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH2 groups bonded via a double bond
MAXssCH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXtCH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via a triple bond
MAXdsCH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via a double bond and a single bond
MAXaaCH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
MAXsssCH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via three single bonds
MAXddC2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via two double bonds
MAXtsC2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via a triple bond and a single bond
MAXdssC2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
MAXaasC2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and a single bond
MAXaaaC2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via three aromatic bonds
MAXssssC2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsNH32DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXsNH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH2 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssNH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXdNH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via a double bond
MAXssNH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXaaNH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
MAXtN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via a triple bond
MAXsssNH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via three single bonds
MAXdsN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via a double and a single bond
MAXaaN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MAXsssN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via three single bonds
MAXddsN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two double bonds and one single bond
MAXaasN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and one single bond
MAXssssN2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsOH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of OH groups bonded via a single bond
MAXdO2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via a double bond
MAXssO2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via two single bonds
MAXaaO2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MAXsF2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of F atoms bonded via a single bond
MAXsSiH32DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SiH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssSiH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SiH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssSiH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SiH groups bonded via three single bonds
MAXssssSi2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Si atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsPH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of PH2 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssPH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of PH groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssP2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via three single bonds
MAXdsssP2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via a double bond and three single bonds
MAXsssssP2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via five single bonds
MAXsSH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SH groups bonded via a single bond
MAXdS2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via a double bond
MAXssS2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two single bonds
MAXaaS2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MAXdssS2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
MAXddssS2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
MAXsCl2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Cl atoms bonded via a single bond
MAXsGeH32DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of GeH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssGeH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of GeH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssGeH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of GeH groups bonded via three single bonds
MAXssssGe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Ge atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsAsH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of AsH2 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssAsH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of AsH groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssAs2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via three single bonds
MAXsssdAs2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via three single bonds and one double bond
MAXsssssAs2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via five single bonds
MAXsSeH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SeH groups bonded via a single bond
MAXdSe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via a double bond
MAXssSe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two single bonds
MAXaaSe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MAXdssSe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
MAXddssSe2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
MAXsBr2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Br atoms bonded via a single bond
MAXsSnH32DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SnH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssSnH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SnH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssSnH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of SnH groups bonded via three single bonds
MAXssssSn2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Sn atoms bonded via four single bonds
MAXsI2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of I atoms bonded via a single bond
MAXsPbH32DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of PbH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MAXssPbH22DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of PbH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MAXsssPbH2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of PbH groups bonded via three single bonds
MAXssssPb2DEStateMax of the electrotopological state indices of Pb atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsLi2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Li atoms bonded via a single bond
MINssBe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Be atoms bonded via two single bonds
MINssssBe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Be atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINssBH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of BH groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssB2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of B atoms bonded via three single bonds
MINssssB2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of B atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsCH32DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MINdCH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH2 groups bonded via a double bond
MINssCH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MINtCH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via a triple bond
MINdsCH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via a double bond and a single bond
MINaaCH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
MINsssCH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of CH groups bonded via three single bonds
MINddC2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via two double bonds
MINtsC2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via a triple bond and a single bond
MINdssC2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
MINaasC2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and a single bond
MINaaaC2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via three aromatic bonds
MINssssC2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of C atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsNH32DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MINsNH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH2 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssNH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MINdNH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via a double bond
MINssNH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via two single bonds
MINaaNH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via two aromatic bonds
MINtN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via a triple bond
MINsssNH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of NH groups bonded via three single bonds
MINdsN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via a double and a single bond
MINaaN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MINsssN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via three single bonds
MINddsN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two double bonds and one single bond
MINaasN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds and one single bond
MINssssN2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of N atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsOH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of OH groups bonded via a single bond
MINdO2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via a double bond
MINssO2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via two single bonds
MINaaO2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of O atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MINsF2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of F atoms bonded via a single bond
MINsSiH32DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SiH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssSiH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SiH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssSiH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SiH groups bonded via three single bonds
MINssssSi2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Si atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsPH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of PH2 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssPH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of PH groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssP2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via three single bonds
MINdsssP2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via a double bond and three single bonds
MINsssssP2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of P atoms bonded via five single bonds
MINsSH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SH groups bonded via a single bond
MINdS2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via a double bond
MINssS2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two single bonds
MINaaS2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MINdssS2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
MINddssS2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of S atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
MINsCl2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Cl atoms bonded via a single bond
MINsGeH32DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of GeH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssGeH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of GeH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssGeH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of GeH groups bonded via three single bonds
MINssssGe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Ge atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsAsH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of AsH2 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssAsH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of AsH groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssAs2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via three single bonds
MINsssdAs2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via three single bonds and one double bond
MINsssssAs2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of As atoms bonded via five single bonds
MINsSeH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SeH groups bonded via a single bond
MINdSe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via a double bond
MINssSe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two single bonds
MINaaSe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two aromatic bonds
MINdssSe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via a double bond and two single bonds
MINddssSe2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Se atoms bonded via two double bonds and two single bonds
MINsBr2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Br atoms bonded via a single bond
MINsSnH32DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SnH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssSnH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SnH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssSnH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of SnH groups bonded via three single bonds
MINssssSn2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Sn atoms bonded via four single bonds
MINsI2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of I atoms bonded via a single bond
MINsPbH32DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of PbH3 groups bonded via a single bond
MINssPbH22DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of PbH2 groups bonded via two single bonds
MINsssPbH2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of PbH groups bonded via three single bonds
MINssssPb2DEStateMin of the electrotopological state indices of Pb atoms bonded via four single bonds
ECIndex2DEccentricConnectivityIndexEccentric connectivity index
ETA_alpha2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom core count
AETA_alpha2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA core count
ETA_shape_p2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom shape index (type: p)
ETA_shape_y2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom shape index (type: y)
ETA_shape_x2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom shape index (type: x)
ETA_beta2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomValence electron mobile count
AETA_beta2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged valence electron mobile count
ETA_beta_s2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomSigma contribution to valence electron mobile count
AETA_beta_s2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged sigma contribution to valence electron mobile count
ETA_beta_ns2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomNonsigma contribution to valence electron mobile count
AETA_beta_ns2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged nonsigma contribution to valence electron mobile count
ETA_beta_ns_d2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomDelta contribution to valence electron mobile count
AETA_beta_ns_d2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged delta contribution to valence electron mobile count
ETA_eta2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom composite index for reference graph
AETA_eta2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA composite index for reference graph
ETA_eta_L2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomLocal ETA composite index for reference graph
AETA_eta_L2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged local ETA composite index for reference graph
ETA_eta_R2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom composite index for reference graph
AETA_eta_R2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA composite index for reference graph
ETA_eta_RL2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomLocal ETA composite index for reference graph
AETA_eta_RL2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged local ETA composite index for reference graph
ETA_eta_F2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom functionality index
AETA_eta_F2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA functionality index
ETA_eta_FL2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomLocal ETA functionality index
AETA_eta_FL2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged local ETA functionality index
ETA_eta_B2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom branching index
AETA_eta_B2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA branching index
ETA_eta_BR2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom branching index (use ring count)
AETA_eta_BR2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA branching index (use ring count)
ETA_dAlpha_A2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta alpha (type: A)
ETA_dAlpha_B2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta alpha (type: B)
ETA_epsilon_12DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom epsilon (type: 1)
ETA_epsilon_22DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom epsilon (type: 2)
ETA_epsilon_32DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom epsilon (type: 3)
ETA_epsilon_42DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom epsilon (type: 4)
ETA_epsilon_52DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom epsilon (type: 5)
ETA_dEpsilon_A2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta epsilon (type: A)
ETA_dEpsilon_B2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta epsilon (type: B)
ETA_dEpsilon_C2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta epsilon (type: C)
ETA_dEpsilon_D2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta epsilon (type: D)
ETA_dBeta2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta beta
AETA_dBeta2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomAveraged ETA delta beta
ETA_psi_12DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom psi
ETA_dPsi_A2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta psi (type: A)
ETA_dPsi_B2DExtendedTopochemicalAtomExtended topochemical atom delta psi (type: B)
fragCpx2DFragmentComplexityFragment complexity
fMF2DFrameworkMolecular framework ratio
GeomDiameter3DGeometricalIndexGeometric diameter
GeomRadius3DGeometricalIndexGeometric radius
GeomShapeIndex3DGeometricalIndexGeometrical shape index
GeomPetitjeanIndex3DGeometricalIndexGeometric Petitjean index
GRAV3DGravitationalIndexHeavy atom gravitational index
GRAVH3DGravitationalIndexGravitational index
GRAVp3DGravitationalIndexHeavy atom pair gravitational index
GRAVHp3DGravitationalIndexPair gravitational index
nHBAcc2DHydrogenBondNumber of hydrogen bond acceptor
nHBDon2DHydrogenBondNumber of hydrogen bond donor
IC02DInformationContent0-ordered neighborhood information content
IC12DInformationContent1-ordered neighborhood information content
IC22DInformationContent2-ordered neighborhood information content
IC32DInformationContent3-ordered neighborhood information content
IC42DInformationContent4-ordered neighborhood information content
IC52DInformationContent5-ordered neighborhood information content
TIC02DInformationContent0-ordered neighborhood total information content
TIC12DInformationContent1-ordered neighborhood total information content
TIC22DInformationContent2-ordered neighborhood total information content
TIC32DInformationContent3-ordered neighborhood total information content
TIC42DInformationContent4-ordered neighborhood total information content
TIC52DInformationContent5-ordered neighborhood total information content
SIC02DInformationContent0-ordered structural information content
SIC12DInformationContent1-ordered structural information content
SIC22DInformationContent2-ordered structural information content
SIC32DInformationContent3-ordered structural information content
SIC42DInformationContent4-ordered structural information content
SIC52DInformationContent5-ordered structural information content
BIC02DInformationContent0-ordered bonding information content
BIC12DInformationContent1-ordered bonding information content
BIC22DInformationContent2-ordered bonding information content
BIC32DInformationContent3-ordered bonding information content
BIC42DInformationContent4-ordered bonding information content
BIC52DInformationContent5-ordered bonding information content
CIC02DInformationContent0-ordered complementary information content
CIC12DInformationContent1-ordered complementary information content
CIC22DInformationContent2-ordered complementary information content
CIC32DInformationContent3-ordered complementary information content
CIC42DInformationContent4-ordered complementary information content
CIC52DInformationContent5-ordered complementary information content
MIC02DInformationContent0-ordered modified information content
MIC12DInformationContent1-ordered modified information content
MIC22DInformationContent2-ordered modified information content
MIC32DInformationContent3-ordered modified information content
MIC42DInformationContent4-ordered modified information content
MIC52DInformationContent5-ordered modified information content
ZMIC02DInformationContent0-ordered Z-modified information content
ZMIC12DInformationContent1-ordered Z-modified information content
ZMIC22DInformationContent2-ordered Z-modified information content
ZMIC32DInformationContent3-ordered Z-modified information content
ZMIC42DInformationContent4-ordered Z-modified information content
ZMIC52DInformationContent5-ordered Z-modified information content
Kier12DKappaShapeIndexKappa shape index 1
Kier22DKappaShapeIndexKappa shape index 2
Kier32DKappaShapeIndexKappa shape index 3
Lipinski2DLipinskiLipinski rule of five
GhoseFilter2DLipinskiGhose filter
FilterItLogS2DLogSFilter-itā„¢ LogS
VMcGowan2DMcGowanVolumeMcGowan volume
Mor013DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 1)
Mor023DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 2)
Mor033DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 3)
Mor043DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 4)
Mor053DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 5)
Mor063DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 6)
Mor073DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 7)
Mor083DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 8)
Mor093DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 9)
Mor103DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 10)
Mor113DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 11)
Mor123DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 12)
Mor133DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 13)
Mor143DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 14)
Mor153DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 15)
Mor163DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 16)
Mor173DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 17)
Mor183DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 18)
Mor193DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 19)
Mor203DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 20)
Mor213DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 21)
Mor223DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 22)
Mor233DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 23)
Mor243DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 24)
Mor253DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 25)
Mor263DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 26)
Mor273DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 27)
Mor283DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 28)
Mor293DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 29)
Mor303DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 30)
Mor313DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 31)
Mor323DMoRSE3D-MoRSE (distance = 32)
Mor01m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 1)
Mor02m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 2)
Mor03m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 3)
Mor04m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 4)
Mor05m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 5)
Mor06m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 6)
Mor07m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 7)
Mor08m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 8)
Mor09m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 9)
Mor10m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 10)
Mor11m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 11)
Mor12m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 12)
Mor13m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 13)
Mor14m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 14)
Mor15m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 15)
Mor16m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 16)
Mor17m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 17)
Mor18m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 18)
Mor19m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 19)
Mor20m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 20)
Mor21m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 21)
Mor22m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 22)
Mor23m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 23)
Mor24m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 24)
Mor25m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 25)
Mor26m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 26)
Mor27m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 27)
Mor28m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 28)
Mor29m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 29)
Mor30m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 30)
Mor31m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 31)
Mor32m3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by mass (distance = 32)
Mor01v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 1)
Mor02v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 2)
Mor03v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 3)
Mor04v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 4)
Mor05v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 5)
Mor06v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 6)
Mor07v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 7)
Mor08v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 8)
Mor09v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 9)
Mor10v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 10)
Mor11v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 11)
Mor12v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 12)
Mor13v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 13)
Mor14v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 14)
Mor15v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 15)
Mor16v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 16)
Mor17v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 17)
Mor18v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 18)
Mor19v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 19)
Mor20v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 20)
Mor21v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 21)
Mor22v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 22)
Mor23v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 23)
Mor24v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 24)
Mor25v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 25)
Mor26v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 26)
Mor27v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 27)
Mor28v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 28)
Mor29v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 29)
Mor30v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 30)
Mor31v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 31)
Mor32v3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by van der Waals volume (distance = 32)
Mor01se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 1)
Mor02se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 2)
Mor03se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 3)
Mor04se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 4)
Mor05se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 5)
Mor06se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 6)
Mor07se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 7)
Mor08se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 8)
Mor09se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 9)
Mor10se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 10)
Mor11se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 11)
Mor12se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 12)
Mor13se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 13)
Mor14se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 14)
Mor15se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 15)
Mor16se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 16)
Mor17se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 17)
Mor18se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 18)
Mor19se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 19)
Mor20se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 20)
Mor21se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 21)
Mor22se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 22)
Mor23se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 23)
Mor24se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 24)
Mor25se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 25)
Mor26se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 26)
Mor27se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 27)
Mor28se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 28)
Mor29se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 29)
Mor30se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 30)
Mor31se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 31)
Mor32se3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (distance = 32)
Mor01p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 1)
Mor02p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 2)
Mor03p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 3)
Mor04p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 4)
Mor05p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 5)
Mor06p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 6)
Mor07p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 7)
Mor08p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 8)
Mor09p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 9)
Mor10p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 10)
Mor11p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 11)
Mor12p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 12)
Mor13p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 13)
Mor14p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 14)
Mor15p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 15)
Mor16p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 16)
Mor17p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 17)
Mor18p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 18)
Mor19p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 19)
Mor20p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 20)
Mor21p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 21)
Mor22p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 22)
Mor23p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 23)
Mor24p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 24)
Mor25p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 25)
Mor26p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 26)
Mor27p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 27)
Mor28p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 28)
Mor29p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 29)
Mor30p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 30)
Mor31p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 31)
Mor32p3DMoRSE3D-MoRSE weighted by polarizability (distance = 32)
LabuteASA2DMoeTypeLabuteā€™s Approximate Surface Area
PEOE_VSA12DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < -0.30)
PEOE_VSA22DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 2 (-0.30 <= x < -0.25)
PEOE_VSA32DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 3 (-0.25 <= x < -0.20)
PEOE_VSA42DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 4 (-0.20 <= x < -0.15)
PEOE_VSA52DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 5 (-0.15 <= x < -0.10)
PEOE_VSA62DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 6 (-0.10 <= x < -0.05)
PEOE_VSA72DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 7 (-0.05 <= x < 0.00)
PEOE_VSA82DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 8 ( 0.00 <= x < 0.05)
PEOE_VSA92DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 9 ( 0.05 <= x < 0.10)
PEOE_VSA102DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 10 ( 0.10 <= x < 0.15)
PEOE_VSA112DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 11 ( 0.15 <= x < 0.20)
PEOE_VSA122DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 12 ( 0.20 <= x < 0.25)
PEOE_VSA132DMoeTypeMOE Charge VSA Descriptor 13 ( 0.25 <= x < 0.30)
SMR_VSA12DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < 1.29)
SMR_VSA22DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 2 ( 1.29 <= x < 1.82)
SMR_VSA32DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 3 ( 1.82 <= x < 2.24)
SMR_VSA42DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 4 ( 2.24 <= x < 2.45)
SMR_VSA52DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 5 ( 2.45 <= x < 2.75)
SMR_VSA62DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 6 ( 2.75 <= x < 3.05)
SMR_VSA72DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 7 ( 3.05 <= x < 3.63)
SMR_VSA82DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 8 ( 3.63 <= x < 3.80)
SMR_VSA92DMoeTypeMOE MR VSA Descriptor 9 ( 3.80 <= x < 4.00)
SlogP_VSA12DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < -0.40)
SlogP_VSA22DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 2 (-0.40 <= x < -0.20)
SlogP_VSA32DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 3 (-0.20 <= x < 0.00)
SlogP_VSA42DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 4 ( 0.00 <= x < 0.10)
SlogP_VSA52DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 5 ( 0.10 <= x < 0.15)
SlogP_VSA62DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 6 ( 0.15 <= x < 0.20)
SlogP_VSA72DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 7 ( 0.20 <= x < 0.25)
SlogP_VSA82DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 8 ( 0.25 <= x < 0.30)
SlogP_VSA92DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 9 ( 0.30 <= x < 0.40)
SlogP_VSA102DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 10 ( 0.40 <= x < 0.50)
SlogP_VSA112DMoeTypeMOE logP VSA Descriptor 11 ( 0.50 <= x < 0.60)
EState_VSA12DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < -0.39)
EState_VSA22DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 2 ( -0.39 <= x < 0.29)
EState_VSA32DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 3 ( 0.29 <= x < 0.72)
EState_VSA42DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 4 ( 0.72 <= x < 1.17)
EState_VSA52DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 5 ( 1.17 <= x < 1.54)
EState_VSA62DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 6 ( 1.54 <= x < 1.81)
EState_VSA72DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 7 ( 1.81 <= x < 2.05)
EState_VSA82DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 8 ( 2.05 <= x < 4.69)
EState_VSA92DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 9 ( 4.69 <= x < 9.17)
EState_VSA102DMoeTypeEState VSA Descriptor 10 ( 9.17 <= x < 15.00)
VSA_EState12DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 1 (-inf < x < 4.78)
VSA_EState22DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 2 ( 4.78 <= x < 5.00)
VSA_EState32DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 3 ( 5.00 <= x < 5.41)
VSA_EState42DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 4 ( 5.41 <= x < 5.74)
VSA_EState52DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 5 ( 5.74 <= x < 6.00)
VSA_EState62DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 6 ( 6.00 <= x < 6.07)
VSA_EState72DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 7 ( 6.07 <= x < 6.45)
VSA_EState82DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 8 ( 6.45 <= x < 7.00)
VSA_EState92DMoeTypeVSA EState Descriptor 9 ( 7.00 <= x < 11.00)
MDEC-112DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary C and primary C
MDEC-122DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary C and secondary C
MDEC-132DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary C and tertiary C
MDEC-142DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary C and quaternary C
MDEC-222DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between secondary C and secondary C
MDEC-232DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between secondary C and tertiary C
MDEC-242DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between secondary C and quaternary C
MDEC-332DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between tertiary C and tertiary C
MDEC-342DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between tertiary C and quaternary C
MDEC-442DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between quaternary C and quaternary C
MDEO-112DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary O and primary O
MDEO-122DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary O and secondary O
MDEO-222DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between secondary O and secondary O
MDEN-112DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary N and primary N
MDEN-122DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary N and secondary N
MDEN-132DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between primary N and tertiary N
MDEN-222DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between secondary N and secondary N
MDEN-232DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between secondary N and tertiary N
MDEN-332DMolecularDistanceEdgeMolecular distance edge between tertiary N and tertiary N
MID2DMolecularIdMolecular ID
AMID2DMolecularIdAveraged molecular ID
MID_h2DMolecularIdMolecular ID on H atoms
AMID_h2DMolecularIdAveraged molecular ID on H atoms
MID_C2DMolecularIdMolecular ID on C atoms
AMID_C2DMolecularIdAveraged molecular ID on C atoms
MID_N2DMolecularIdMolecular ID on N atoms
AMID_N2DMolecularIdAveraged molecular ID on N atoms
MID_O2DMolecularIdMolecular ID on O atoms
AMID_O2DMolecularIdAveraged molecular ID on O atoms
MID_X2DMolecularIdMolecular ID on halogen atoms
AMID_X2DMolecularIdAveraged molecular ID on halogen atoms
MOMI-X3DMomentOfInertiaMoment of inertia (axis = X)
MOMI-Y3DMomentOfInertiaMoment of inertia (axis = Y)
MOMI-Z3DMomentOfInertiaMoment of inertia (axis = Z)
PBF3DPBFPlane of best fit
MPC22DPathCount2-ordered path count
MPC32DPathCount3-ordered path count
MPC42DPathCount4-ordered path count
MPC52DPathCount5-ordered path count
MPC62DPathCount6-ordered path count
MPC72DPathCount7-ordered path count
MPC82DPathCount8-ordered path count
MPC92DPathCount9-ordered path count
MPC102DPathCount10-ordered path count
TMPC102DPathCount10-ordered total path count
piPC12DPathCount1-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC22DPathCount2-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC32DPathCount3-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC42DPathCount4-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC52DPathCount5-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC62DPathCount6-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC72DPathCount7-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC82DPathCount8-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC92DPathCount9-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
piPC102DPathCount10-ordered pi-path count (log scale)
TpiPC102DPathCount10-ordered total pi-path count (log scale)
apol2DPolarizabilityAtomic polarizability
bpol2DPolarizabilityBond polarizability
nRing2DRingCountRing count
n3Ring2DRingCount3-membered ring count
n4Ring2DRingCount4-membered ring count
n5Ring2DRingCount5-membered ring count
n6Ring2DRingCount6-membered ring count
n7Ring2DRingCount7-membered ring count
n8Ring2DRingCount8-membered ring count
n9Ring2DRingCount9-membered ring count
n10Ring2DRingCount10-membered ring count
n11Ring2DRingCount11-membered ring count
n12Ring2DRingCount12-membered ring count
nG12Ring2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered ring count
nHRing2DRingCounthetero ring count
n3HRing2DRingCount3-membered hetero ring count
n4HRing2DRingCount4-membered hetero ring count
n5HRing2DRingCount5-membered hetero ring count
n6HRing2DRingCount6-membered hetero ring count
n7HRing2DRingCount7-membered hetero ring count
n8HRing2DRingCount8-membered hetero ring count
n9HRing2DRingCount9-membered hetero ring count
n10HRing2DRingCount10-membered hetero ring count
n11HRing2DRingCount11-membered hetero ring count
n12HRing2DRingCount12-membered hetero ring count
nG12HRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered hetero ring count
naRing2DRingCountAromatic ring count
n3aRing2DRingCount3-membered aromatic ring count
n4aRing2DRingCount4-membered aromatic ring count
n5aRing2DRingCount5-membered aromatic ring count
n6aRing2DRingCount6-membered aromatic ring count
n7aRing2DRingCount7-membered aromatic ring count
n8aRing2DRingCount8-membered aromatic ring count
n9aRing2DRingCount9-membered aromatic ring count
n10aRing2DRingCount10-membered aromatic ring count
n11aRing2DRingCount11-membered aromatic ring count
n12aRing2DRingCount12-membered aromatic ring count
nG12aRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aromatic ring count
naHRing2DRingCountAromatic hetero ring count
n3aHRing2DRingCount3-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n4aHRing2DRingCount4-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n5aHRing2DRingCount5-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n6aHRing2DRingCount6-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n7aHRing2DRingCount7-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n8aHRing2DRingCount8-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n9aHRing2DRingCount9-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n10aHRing2DRingCount10-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n11aHRing2DRingCount11-membered aromatic hetero ring count
n12aHRing2DRingCount12-membered aromatic hetero ring count
nG12aHRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aromatic hetero ring count
nARing2DRingCountAliphatic ring count
n3ARing2DRingCount3-membered aliphatic ring count
n4ARing2DRingCount4-membered aliphatic ring count
n5ARing2DRingCount5-membered aliphatic ring count
n6ARing2DRingCount6-membered aliphatic ring count
n7ARing2DRingCount7-membered aliphatic ring count
n8ARing2DRingCount8-membered aliphatic ring count
n9ARing2DRingCount9-membered aliphatic ring count
n10ARing2DRingCount10-membered aliphatic ring count
n11ARing2DRingCount11-membered aliphatic ring count
n12ARing2DRingCount12-membered aliphatic ring count
nG12ARing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aliphatic ring count
nAHRing2DRingCountAliphatic hetero ring count
n3AHRing2DRingCount3-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n4AHRing2DRingCount4-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n5AHRing2DRingCount5-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n6AHRing2DRingCount6-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n7AHRing2DRingCount7-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n8AHRing2DRingCount8-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n9AHRing2DRingCount9-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n10AHRing2DRingCount10-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n11AHRing2DRingCount11-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
n12AHRing2DRingCount12-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
nG12AHRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aliphatic hetero ring count
nFRing2DRingCountFused ring count
n4FRing2DRingCount4-membered fused ring count
n5FRing2DRingCount5-membered fused ring count
n6FRing2DRingCount6-membered fused ring count
n7FRing2DRingCount7-membered fused ring count
n8FRing2DRingCount8-membered fused ring count
n9FRing2DRingCount9-membered fused ring count
n10FRing2DRingCount10-membered fused ring count
n11FRing2DRingCount11-membered fused ring count
n12FRing2DRingCount12-membered fused ring count
nG12FRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered fused ring count
nFHRing2DRingCountFused hetero ring count
n4FHRing2DRingCount4-membered fused hetero ring count
n5FHRing2DRingCount5-membered fused hetero ring count
n6FHRing2DRingCount6-membered fused hetero ring count
n7FHRing2DRingCount7-membered fused hetero ring count
n8FHRing2DRingCount8-membered fused hetero ring count
n9FHRing2DRingCount9-membered fused hetero ring count
n10FHRing2DRingCount10-membered fused hetero ring count
n11FHRing2DRingCount11-membered fused hetero ring count
n12FHRing2DRingCount12-membered fused hetero ring count
nG12FHRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered fused hetero ring count
nFaRing2DRingCountAromatic fused ring count
n4FaRing2DRingCount4-membered aromatic fused ring count
n5FaRing2DRingCount5-membered aromatic fused ring count
n6FaRing2DRingCount6-membered aromatic fused ring count
n7FaRing2DRingCount7-membered aromatic fused ring count
n8FaRing2DRingCount8-membered aromatic fused ring count
n9FaRing2DRingCount9-membered aromatic fused ring count
n10FaRing2DRingCount10-membered aromatic fused ring count
n11FaRing2DRingCount11-membered aromatic fused ring count
n12FaRing2DRingCount12-membered aromatic fused ring count
nG12FaRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aromatic fused ring count
nFaHRing2DRingCountAromatic fused hetero ring count
n4FaHRing2DRingCount4-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n5FaHRing2DRingCount5-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n6FaHRing2DRingCount6-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n7FaHRing2DRingCount7-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n8FaHRing2DRingCount8-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n9FaHRing2DRingCount9-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n10FaHRing2DRingCount10-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n11FaHRing2DRingCount11-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
n12FaHRing2DRingCount12-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
nG12FaHRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aromatic fused hetero ring count
nFARing2DRingCountAliphatic fused ring count
n4FARing2DRingCount4-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n5FARing2DRingCount5-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n6FARing2DRingCount6-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n7FARing2DRingCount7-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n8FARing2DRingCount8-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n9FARing2DRingCount9-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n10FARing2DRingCount10-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n11FARing2DRingCount11-membered aliphatic fused ring count
n12FARing2DRingCount12-membered aliphatic fused ring count
nG12FARing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aliphatic fused ring count
nFAHRing2DRingCountAliphatic fused hetero ring count
n4FAHRing2DRingCount4-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n5FAHRing2DRingCount5-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n6FAHRing2DRingCount6-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n7FAHRing2DRingCount7-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n8FAHRing2DRingCount8-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n9FAHRing2DRingCount9-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n10FAHRing2DRingCount10-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n11FAHRing2DRingCount11-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
n12FAHRing2DRingCount12-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
nG12FAHRing2DRingCount12-or-greater-membered aliphatic fused hetero ring count
nRot2DRotatableBondRotatable bonds count
RotRatio2DRotatableBondRotatable bonds ratio
SLogP2DSLogPWildman-Crippen LogP
SMR2DSLogPWildman-Crippen MR
TopoPSA(NO)2DTopoPSATopological polar surface area (use only nitrogen and oxygen)
TopoPSA2DTopoPSATopological polar surface area
GGI12DTopologicalCharge1-ordered raw topological charge
GGI22DTopologicalCharge2-ordered raw topological charge
GGI32DTopologicalCharge3-ordered raw topological charge
GGI42DTopologicalCharge4-ordered raw topological charge
GGI52DTopologicalCharge5-ordered raw topological charge
GGI62DTopologicalCharge6-ordered raw topological charge
GGI72DTopologicalCharge7-ordered raw topological charge
GGI82DTopologicalCharge8-ordered raw topological charge
GGI92DTopologicalCharge9-ordered raw topological charge
GGI102DTopologicalCharge10-ordered raw topological charge
JGI12DTopologicalCharge1-ordered mean topological charge
JGI22DTopologicalCharge2-ordered mean topological charge
JGI32DTopologicalCharge3-ordered mean topological charge
JGI42DTopologicalCharge4-ordered mean topological charge
JGI52DTopologicalCharge5-ordered mean topological charge
JGI62DTopologicalCharge6-ordered mean topological charge
JGI72DTopologicalCharge7-ordered mean topological charge
JGI82DTopologicalCharge8-ordered mean topological charge
JGI92DTopologicalCharge9-ordered mean topological charge
JGI102DTopologicalCharge10-ordered mean topological charge
JGT102DTopologicalCharge10-ordered global topological charge
Diameter2DTopologicalIndexTopological diameter
Radius2DTopologicalIndexTopological radius
TopoShapeIndex2DTopologicalIndexTopological shape index
PetitjeanIndex2DTopologicalIndexPetitjean index
Vabc2DVdwVolumeABCABC van der waals volume
VAdjMat2DVertexAdjacencyInformationVR2 of adjacency matrix
MWC012DWalkCountWalk count (leg-1)
MWC022DWalkCountWalk count (leg-2)
MWC032DWalkCountWalk count (leg-3)
MWC042DWalkCountWalk count (leg-4)
MWC052DWalkCountWalk count (leg-5)
MWC062DWalkCountWalk count (leg-6)
MWC072DWalkCountWalk count (leg-7)
MWC082DWalkCountWalk count (leg-8)
MWC092DWalkCountWalk count (leg-9)
MWC102DWalkCountWalk count (leg-10)
TMWC102DWalkCountTotal walk count (leg-10)
SRW022DWalkCountWalk count (leg-2, only self returning walk)
SRW032DWalkCountWalk count (leg-3, only self returning walk)
SRW042DWalkCountWalk count (leg-4, only self returning walk)
SRW052DWalkCountWalk count (leg-5, only self returning walk)
SRW062DWalkCountWalk count (leg-6, only self returning walk)
SRW072DWalkCountWalk count (leg-7, only self returning walk)
SRW082DWalkCountWalk count (leg-8, only self returning walk)
SRW092DWalkCountWalk count (leg-9, only self returning walk)
SRW102DWalkCountWalk count (leg-10, only self returning walk)
TSRW102DWalkCountTotal walk count (leg-10, only self returning walk)
MW2DWeightExact molecular weight
AMW2DWeightAveraged exact molecular weight
WPath2DWienerIndexWiener index
WPol2DWienerIndexWiener polarity index
Zagreb12DZagrebIndexZagreb index (version 1)
Zagreb22DZagrebIndexZagreb index (version 2)
mZagreb12DZagrebIndexModified Zagreb index (version 1)
mZagreb22DZagrebIndexModified Zagreb index (version 2)
Fukui Indices (Positive)3DxTBRelative reactivity towards nucleophiles
Fukui Indices (Zero)3DxTBRelative reactivity towards radicals
Fukui Indices (Negative)3DxTBRelative reactivity towards electrophiles
Atomic Charges3DxTBPartial atomic charges derived from the electronic structure
Global Electrophilicity Index3DxTBThe capacity of an electrophile to promote a soft (covalent) reaction
Moment of Inertia3DRowanThe moment of inertia of the molecule
Radius of Gyration3DRowanThe radius of gyration of the molecule
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